Friday, December 6, 2013

Real Food Friday Feast - Cranberry Pie

Before I go into today's post, I would like to pause and reflect on my own memories of a great man and leader. Years ago, when Nelson Mandela was released from prison and subsequently became our president, I remember everyone talking about this man who was supposedly a criminal. Some were horrified that he would end up being our president. Many packed their bags and left. I was brought up to believe that everyone was created equal and that the right to freedom should apply to all people. As a child I remember clandestine meetings of grown ups in our house watching illegal videos of the torture that some anti-apartheid activists had to endure at the hands of the police and I remember how deeply they affected me.

I remember having a debate with some of my school friends about how we would all feel going to an inter-racial school. (Hard to believe that was ever something to discuss!) I had quite a heated argument with one girl in particular who said she would leave the school if it ever happened and I kept asking her why it was such a bad thing. She couldn't really give me a reason. That's what mass media brainwashing does...

I have never understood why some people feel that they are better than others, and that they have the right to say the most hurtful, unimaginable things about another human being and think that that's ok. I have never grasped the concept of racism.

I was one of the people who felt positive about Nelson Mandela becoming president. I didn't know much about him, but I knew that something great was happening. It was wonderful to see just how great he was. Once in a while, a person is born that embodies EVERYTHING that is right, and good, and kind, and just. He was one of those people. He never put himself first. Everything he did, he did for the people of his country. He lived a hard life but he retained no bitterness or anger because of it. He opened his arms to people who wanted nothing to do with him, who treated him with hatred for NO logical reason, and he forgave them all and proceeded to put THEIR needs before his own. How incredibly humbling and what a great lesson to all of us.

I can only hope that his passing, and the outpouring of love and devotion from around the world, will be a wake up call to our current government. THIS is the legacy they should be working towards leaving behind. To do anything less than that is to dishonour everything that Madiba stood for. If we can all aspire to be even slightly like him, we will achieve greatness.

Its incredible to think we lived in the same time as a man of such greatness. I wonder if we all know how honoured we actually were. Madiba, we knew this day would come but selfishly, we wanted to hang on to your light for as long as possible because you made us feel like we could also be great. Your light hasn't gone out and it never will because of who you were. It will continue to touch millions for years to come and we are so grateful to you for that. Even as we celebrate who you were, my heart still feels so sad today. Rest in Peace Tata.

And now onto today's post!

Is it just me or do the weeks seem to be getting shorter and shorter? There aren't enough hours in the day to get everything done! By the time the weekend comes around I am so grateful to see it.

Last night I had a little dinner party for some friends and that means yesterday was a flurry of activity as I tried to prepare the meal and do everything else that needs to be done on any given day. I made my bobotie, some soaked brown rice and a big, green salad. Fortunately, yesterday was market day so I was able to get my hands on all sorts of lovely organic and free-range food just in time for dinner. I'm not sure how much it mattered to my guests but it matters to me that I feed them good, tasty food and they definitely noticed the difference:)

For dessert I made a cranberry pie and it went down really well with everyone so I decided to blog about that today. Let's just take a quick look at why cranberries should be a regular part of your diet:
  • Treats urinary tract infections - Cranberry juice contains proanthocyanidins, which help to prevent E. coli bacteria from sticking to the walls of the uterus and bladder. One glass of juice a day is all you need to prevent and heal urinary tract infections.
  • Fights cancer - Studies have shown that cranberry can prevent breast cancer cells from multiplying and cancers like colon, prostate and lung cancer can be prevented by eating cranberries.
  • Fights heart disease - Cranberries help lower the bad cholesterol levels which can clog the arterial walls. They also help to prevent plaque from forming on the arterial walls, which can lead to atherosclerosis, (the hardening of the arteries). This reduces your chances of a stroke. If you have already suffered from a stroke, cranberries can help you to recover from it.
  • Helps kidney problems - Cranberries contain citric acid and other nutrients that can prevent kidney stones, and other kidney problems.
  • Prevents dental problems - Consuming cranberries on a regular basis can help you avoid dental problems such as gingivitis, gum disease, cavities and plaque build-up.
  • Promotes weight loss - Cranberries are high in antioxidants, which help flush out your system. This improves your metabolism and digestive system which aids weight loss.
  • Anti-aging properties - The antioxidants found in cranberries help your body to get rid of all the free radicals which age you. They not only help your skin look younger, but help your internal organs to function longer without problems.
  • Improves mental health - Cranberries can help lift your moods by relieving stress, anxiety and depression. Studies show that they are good for the brain and can help to improve your memory.
  • Strengthens the immune system - The antioxidants in cranberries work hard to flush out the harmful toxins which suppress your immune system. Once those toxins are removed, your immune system will be better able to ward off sickness or disease.
  • Relieves skin conditions - Skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and eczema are all greatly improved, and often healed, by cranberries.
Cranberry Pie


3/4 cup coconut flour or 1 cup chickpea flour
2 cups pecan nuts
3 tablespoons flax seeds
4 Tbs butter


2 cups cranberries, fresh or dried (I had no luck finding fresh but dried cranberries are pretty easy to find)
1/2 cup pecan nuts
1/4 cup raw honey

Method - Filling
  • Preheat oven to 180ºC
  • Grease 9-inch pie dish with some butter.  
  • Place the cranberries and chopped pecan nuts into the pie dish. 
  • Pour the melted honey over the cranberries and pecan nuts and mix it up well.  
Method - Topping
  • In a separate bowl, add the flour
  • Break up the pecan nuts either with a knife, or a pestle and mortar (my choice was the latter) and add to flour 
  • Add melted butter
  • Mix it up and use a fork to make small crumbs
  • Flake topping mixture over the cranberry mixture covering it thoroughly
  • Cover with a lid or foil and bake for 30-35 mins
  • Turn oven to grill, remove foil and crisp the topping for about 5 minutes (keep an eye on it so it doesn't burn)
  • Serve warm with some organic cream!
That's it for me! I'm off to start cooking up a storm again for another dinner party:)

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