Friday, January 10, 2014

Real Food Friday Feast - Spinach, tomato and mushroom quiche

Everyone is looking for light, healthy meals right now. First of all, it's just too hot to eat anything heavy, and second of all, everyone is on a diet, right? Tell me you HAVEN'T made a decision to lose all your holiday fat in January;) I don't believe you!

Normally, I'd say stay far away from a quiche. But that's only because most quiches are made with a wheat crust base meaning I can't eat them. Not only that, gluten is actually really bad for everyone, not just me, so if you want to stay healthy, you should be avoiding it altogether. Also, the base not only makes the quiche pretty unhealthy for you, but also adds LOADS of calories to your meal so, if you're trying to cut down, conventional quiche is not really the way to go.

However, the rest of the ingredients in the quiche are so good for you, provided you use nice free-range cheese and organic veggies that is. All that is easy enough to get from Woolies and even Pick n Pay have come to the party with their organic stock.

There are a few options for a wheat-free crust such as chickpea flour and coconut flour but today, I'm going with a sweet potato crust because they're yummy and they're full of goodness. You can also feel free to play around with your filling. I went with these ingredients because they were on hand but really, anything goes!

Spinach, tomato and mushroom Quiche

The Crust


2 medium-sized raw sweet potatoes (keep the skins on, just give them a good scrub)
2½ Tbs melted butter
Mineral salt (himalayan rock salt or sea salt)


Preheat oven to 230° C
Grate the sweet potato (you need to end up with about 2 cups)
Add a bit of sea salt to season
Pour the butter over the grated potato and mix well
Press the potato into a pie dish so that it covers the bottom of the dish as well as the sides
Bake for 20 minutes then turn the oven down to 180° C


1/2 onion, finely chopped
1 punnet cherry tomatoes, halved
1 handful chopped spinach
6 eggs
1 clove garlic, finely chopped
Salt and pepper
About 6 button mushrooms, chopped (or whichever mushrooms you prefer!)
½ cup grated cheese (This is optional but it makes it extra yummy. Just make sure it's organic or free-range)


In a frying pan, cook onion and garlic in a bit of butter
Add a pinch of salt and pepper
Sprinkle some origanum over it
Once the onion is soft, add the tomatoes and mushrooms and cook for about 5 minutes
Remove from heat
Whisk 6 eggs in a mixing bowl
Add the cooked vegetables to the egg in the mixing bowl
Pour mixture over the sweet potato crust
Top with grated cheese and add another sprinkle of origanum over the top
Bake for 30 minutes
Allow 10 minutes for quiche to cool before cutting up

This whole dish takes about 15 minutes max to prepare, not including the baking time of course. But it's a quick, easy, healthy meal and I guarantee, everyone is going to love it. I'd recommend serving it with a side salad but that's entirely up to you:)

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