Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wellness Wednesday - Eating and exercising for your body type

We are all uniquely different and, once we hit puberty, our bodies take on the shape they will pretty stick with for the rest of your life. You may be perpetually skinny no matter what you eat. You may gain muscle after only 3 weight sessions or you may gain weight simply by looking at a chocolate! Whatever your body type, it will impact how you need to exercise.


Ectomorphs are typically skinny people. They have a very high metabolism and seem to be hungry all of the time and yet, no matter what they eat, they never seem to gain weight. They have narrow hips and shoulders and are typically small-boned. They have no curves to speak of and they struggle to build muscle mass or gain any body fat.

How they should eat and exercise

If you are trying to exercise to gain a bit of muscle, it's not going to be easy! You're just not genetically predisposed to it unfortunately. But it can be done if you put in the effort. Here is what you need to focus on:

  • Go heavy with the weights but keep the repetitions low. Rest for at least 2 minutes in between sets and preferably use free weights as these force other muscles in your body to work as well
  • Allow your body 48 hours recovery between gym sessions
  • Limit the amount of cardio you do. Yes, it's good for you, but it's only going to make you lose more weight. Do shorter sessions and less frequently.
  • Food-wise, you need to eat A LOT and often. If you don't, you won't build muscle. Eat good quality protein, healthy fats and good quality carbs. Don't stint on the carbs either. You can afford to eat as much as you like and, if you want to gain some weight, they will help. Things like sweet potatoes and white potatoes and all other vegetables. When you eat protein, avoid the lean pieces of meat. Go for the chicken thigh, or the fatty fish like salmon. Have a glass of raw, full cream milk after dinner as well.


Mesomorphs are naturally athletic. They are usually big boned and, even if they don't exercise frequently, tend to have defined muscles.They find it just as easy to put on weight as they do to lose it. They're also naturally strong. Mesomorphs have the best body type for body building. Remember though that women very seldom build muscle the way that men do so don't be scared of that. You will become more defined but you won't get big.

How they should eat and exercise

  • Because mesomorphs have a natural strength, they can do compound exercises (exercises that work multiple muscles) quite easily. Things like deadlifts, chin ups, presses and squats are great for them.
  • Their natural strength also allows them to handle higher volumes of both weights and cardio. They recover faster after a session and can handle gymming within 24 hours. 4 weight sessions per week and about 3 cardio sessions will be pretty easy for them.
  • If you are aiming to lose muscle then lessen the amount of weights sessions, do lighter weights and higher reps and focus a lot more on cardio.
  • Food-wise, you need to focus on eating good quality protein, healthy fats and good quality carbs. As long as you stick to the healthy options, you shouldn't gain any body fat, and even if you do, you'll lose it very quickly with a few gym sessions.

Endomorphs are solid and generally soft. They gain fat very easily. They usually have a shorter build with thick arms and legs. Their muscles are strong, especially the upper legs. Endomorphs have a very slow metabolism and struggle to lose body fat but they gain muscle really easily. Unfortunately those muscles won't be very well defined because endomorphs carry more body fat than other body types.

How they should eat and exercise
  • Because endomorphs have a much slower metabolism than other body types, anything that will rev it up is a good thing. Lifting medium weights at higher reps of 12-15 with very little rest in between sets will help there.
  • Doing supersets is especially beneficial. This means doing sessions literally back to back with very little rest time, like a super circuit. Crossfit is excellent for endomorphs.
  • Food-wise, you need to focus on eating good quality protein, healthy fats and VERY LITTLE carbs. I'd go as far as to say avoid starches and grains and just eat vegetables. Keep fruit to a minimum as well because they contain lots of sugar. Endomorphs need MORE healthy fats than any other body type. It will help your body push out the unwanted body fat. Remember to keep portions to a minimum.
If you're confused about your body type, you may be an in-betweener. I'm an ectomorph and a mesomorph combined. It's not always as cut and dried as this and that's ok. All you need to do is combine the needs for the two body types when you exercise and eat. If I hadn't taken such an interest in body building, I would very likely be classed as an ectomorph. People used to think I was anorexic when I was younger because I was so skinny! Fortunately, the bit of mesomorph in me allowed me to gain some muscle but it was NOT a fast thing. It took me years. A lot of that had to to do with my diet. Now that I have got my diet right, my body holds onto muscle far easier but it's always a work in progress.

Once you start to exercise more regularly, you will begin to see what works for you and what doesn't as your body starts to take on the shape you want it to. You can then modify your routines to suit you. Always remember that your body shape is about 80% diet and only 20% exercise but don't use that as an excuse NOT to exercise;) It's not about losing body fat as much as it is about being healthy AND, if you do want to change your body shape, diet alone will never achieve that. You will stay the same shape, only smaller. You must do some weights to really see results.

Happy to try and answer any questions so feel free to ask! Good luck:)

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