Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Colloidal Silver benefits

My cleaner broke my slow cooker pot today... I'm devastated. It was my favourite, FAVOURITE kitchen appliance. Even more so than my dishwasher and THAT'S saying a lot. I'm too upset to actually talk to her right now so she's getting the silent treatment! I know, accidents happen. But accidents happen at least once a week with Cindy and it's getting very expensive now. That was my christmas gift from GLM after wanting one for years, and it wasn't a cheapie. It was such a nice big one, and a really fancy one and I literally used it every second day for the 6 months it lasted. I'm in mourning. Sigh...

Anyway, onto today's post if my godchild, Kori, will allow. She's sleeping but the monitor is giving little signs of life already so I may not be in luck with posting today!

I wanted to talk about Colloidal Silver. Some of you may be wondering what that even is. Well, it's an alternative remedy to conventional medicine and it is, literally, silver that is suspended in a colloidal solution.

Historically, silver was actually used to heal many ailments. In ancient times, silver was used for wound dressings at war time. It was known to be used by the early Egyptians, the Romans, and the Greeks, and it was particularly popular with sailors who spent months at a time, at sea. Sailors used it for various illnesses and also to keep their foods and liquids from spoiling. Prior to 1938, before antibiotics were invented, colloidal silver was used by doctors as a highly effective natural antibiotic.

Of course, once antibiotics were invented, colloidal silver fell out of favour with doctors unfortunately. However, with the majority of people moving away from conventional medicines and back to natural, alternative options, colloidal silver is becoming increasingly popular again.

Here's what's so amazing about it:
  • It is effective against every virus and illness
  • It can be taken in conjunction with other medication and doesn't interfere with them
  • Studies have shown that silver kills bacteria extremely quickly. It even kills the super-bacteria that evolve after conventional disinfecting agents kill the weaker strains of bacteria. 
  • Silver acts as a catalyst. It disables an enzyme that is required by bacteria, viruses, yeast and molds to help them thrive. The silver disables that enzyme and it doesn't get used up during that process either, so it's available to keep working again and again, creating an environment that makes it impossible for pathogens to survive and multiply.
  • Colloidal silver isn't pathogen-specific, which means it can be used for any kind of illness and that is why it's so effective against super-bugs as well. There is no known disease-causing organism that can live in the presence of even tiny traces of colloidal silver. Laboratory tests show that bacteria, virus, and fungus organisms are all killed within minutes of contact. Parasites are also killed whilst still in their egg stage. That means it can be used for infections of all kinds, colds, flu and parasitic infestations.
  • Colloidal silver is renowned as a treatment for HIV and AIDS. Of course, the medical community doesn't recognise these claims (there is no money in it for them), but you can't escape the fact that AIDS patients, who swear by colloidal silver, have extremely high survival rates.
  • Silver also seems to prevent the body from developing cancer thanks to the same mechanism it uses to to disable pathogens.
  • It's extremely effective for severe burns, even sunburn and other skin ailments. If you cut yourself, colloidal silver will fight off an infection and heal the cut faster. It is also great for eczema and other skin irritations.
  • It's been effective in healing bacterial acne.
  • It heals conjunctivitis if applied directly to the eye
  • It's very good for the digestive system, promoting better absorption of nutrients.
I started adding colloidal silver to my body cream and I can't tell you the difference it's made to me. I am an EXCEPTIONALLY clumsy person and it mostly seems to focus on my hands and feet. They are permanently beaten and battered! If it's not the cats playfully scratching me, I'm scraping them on walls or, as I did yesterday, ripping off a whole chunk of skin on the shelf while grabbing some teabags out of the cupboard! Painful, to say the least. Applying a body cream with added colloidal silver heals all these cuts and scratches super-fast.

Colloidal silver has an impact on you whether you swallow it, or just place it on your skin. As you know, if you read this post, your skin is just a big sponge. It absorbs what you place on it, if its on there for a few minutes and sends it travelling through your body. That means, if you place colloidal silver on your skin, it will be absorbed and be just as beneficial to you. The added bonus of placing it on your skin means, if you have any skin ailments, it will clear those up on its way through to your bloodstream. It's ideal in a cream because it get absorbed with the cream.

The only downside to colloidal silver is that it can turn your skin blue over time! 

"Thousands of years ago, Ancient Greeks realised that the rich families who ate, drank and stored food in silverware were much less likely to be ill than the commoners who ate from ceramics and used iron utensils. The rich people developed a slight blue tinge to their skin from years of silver ingestion, hence the term Blue Bloods was born."

But there is no need to panic! You would have to swallow enormous amounts of silver to see that effect. A normal sized adult can safely consume 6 teaspoons of the weakest colloidal silver EVERY DAY for a 72 year life span and still not turn blue;) You only really need to take it when it's needed, like if you're sick, or if you have a skin ailment, and, even if you took a teaspoon every day for the rest of your life, you would still not turn blue;) The benefits far outweigh that one, very unlikely, risk.

You all know my thoughts on conventional medicine. So give this a try. I think you'll find it a GREAT alternative!

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