Back to the radio show and several women were calling in and commenting on the fact that they had had this condition since they were teenagers and just couldn't beat it. So many women live with this condition and are completely clueless about it. They just know they feel terrible and, when they call in sick for work due to really bad period pains, their bosses have little to no sympathy (unless they're women!) The reality is that the pain can be debilitating for some women. It's a very real condition and no-one seems to know how to fix it short of actually scraping it out of the uterus during a procedure called a laparoscopy.
When one of the women asked the doctor for a solution, it wasn't really a big surprise to me that this doctor prescribed simply having repeat laparoscopies whenever the endometriosis came back. She even recommended a hysterectomy if the woman was past her child-bearing age!
I can't figure out how such an invasive and very FINAL procedure can be a solution and yet the doctor told the woman straight that that was her only option. Interestingly enough, in almost the same sentence she said, "We really don't know enough about the condition to be able to say what causes it and what to do about it short of surgery." She admitted her own lack of knowledge but then unequivocally said there was nothing this woman could do.
The scary thing is that people place their faith in them because, over the decades, doctors have taken on an almost godlike status. If the doctor says it, then it must be so. So this woman is going to have her 4th laparoscopy based on the doctor's advice and, when she is older, she will no doubt have a hysterectomy to end her fight with endometriosis for good. The problem is that it won't be too long before her body's state of "dis-ease" manifests itself in a different way. Endometriosis is just a symptom of a much bigger, underlying problem.
So why are so many women suffering with this condition these days? It has EVERYTHING to do with modern civilisation. It is because of the toxins in the processed food we are eating, the pesticides on our fresh fruits and vegetables, the toxins in the animal products we are eating, in our "health" and beauty products, in our household cleaning products and in our drinking water ie. chlorine and fluoride.
How do I know that? Because I also had really bad endometriosis, with several tumours, 3 years ago. Unfortunately, at the time I found out about the endometriosis, I was still pretty ignorant. The doctor told me the only solution was a laparoscopy and hysteroscopy and of course I believed him and I had the surgery. A couple of weeks later, at a followup appointment, I asked him if it could come back and, if so, how soon. He said it definitely would and I probably had, at best, a year. Of course he only told me this AFTER I'd had the procedure and I had to wonder what the point was of all that pain and trauma if it was just going to come right on back! I didn't want to put myself through that again.
That was when I started taking a closer look at food as a cause and as a medicine. Once I realised just how badly I was eating and how many chemicals and toxins I was exposing myself to on a daily basis through food, I made a decision to change things and begin only eating real food. Then I gradually started becoming aware of the toxins in the beauty products and household cleaning products I was using. The more aware you become, the MORE AWARE you become and, before I knew it I was boiling my tap water and making my own beauty products and guess what, 3 years later I am still completely free of endometriosis. I don't believe that's a coincidence. I honestly believe I have kept it at bay through the complete overhaul that I gave my lifestyle and I don't think it will come back.
Some may read this and immediately call it nonsense. Those people may be doctors, or have a doctor in the family or are simply so caught up the whole wonders of modern civilisation that they can't comprehend that there was ever life before it.
But there was life before it. And it was a GOOD life. Cancer was something that happened to 1 or 2 people IN THE WORLD every few decades or so. Heart disease was the same. Obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, endometriosis, autoimmune disease and osteoporosis were rare or virtually absent in hunter-gatherers and other non-westernized populations. They had other worries, like how to survive a hunt! These days, if you aren't taken out by one of the above diseases, you still have far more to worry about then Ugg the Caveman.
We have cars, planes, trains and buses causing accidents on a daily basis. We have far more natural disasters thanks to climate change. We live in an increasingly dangerous society where violence is a daily occurrence in a lot of people's lives.
Those too can be attributed to civilisation. As people distance themselves further and further from their connection to the earth and to each other, they lose their sense of empathy and their sense of unity and their sense of self-worth. They are also losing their health.
Maybe cancer is genetic. But just because you have a gene, doesn't mean you are going to get it. I believe that it can be avoided, even if you have that gene. I honestly believe that cancer is a disease of civilisation. It's easy to find out when cancer actually started becoming more prevalent. It happened when civilisations started becoming more modernised. The hunter/gatherer simply didn't get cancer, ever. In the words of Doctor Weston Price (a doctor that I DO place a lot of faith in because he lived among various tribes for several years and studied them at great length):
"...Whenever we look at the health of non-industrialized peoples we see the same thing: these are people without cancer, and also without heart disease. Any anthropologist can tell you which bone was from a hunter-gatherer, a pre-grain eating person, and which bone, by contrast, was from a grain-eating person, because the latter has holes in it and looks like it has arthritis and it not as thick and strong. You can see physical degeneration almost every place where people have switched from indigenous diets to primarily grain-based diets."
I don't know anyone who doesn't eat some kind of grain EVERY day of their lives. It's difficult for a lot of people to imagine a day without eating bread, rice or pasta. Most people eat at least one of those every day, some eat all three every day. It's become such an "ingrained" (couldn't resist the pun!) part of our diets that we don't know how to separate ourselves from it and yet, between the grains we eat and all the toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis, we are ensuring that cancer remains a constant threat to all of us. It's become so common that, for some people it's not even a question of "If I get cancer", they talk about "when".
How scary is that? It's always going to be a shock to hear you have it, but most people just accept the possibility of it happening because every second person seems to have it. When did we become so blasé about it? When did we succumb to it and allow it to be such a big part of our lives?
ALL of the disease I listed earlier can be prevented. They are all directly connected to modern civilisation. The way I see it, you have two choices: you can continue to live the way you are living and resort to things like medication and going under the knife and putting off the inevitable for a while longer OR you can change your lifestyle and live a long, healthy life without the fear of a dread disease hanging over your head.
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Seems like a no-brainer to me! |
I have posted LOADS of information about how to eat, what beauty and household products to use and how to avoid toxins as much as possible. Feel free to take a look through the archives and start on your journey to good health and vitality. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
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